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Heinkel He 115 in Finnish Service

Heinkel He 115 in Finnish Service

On 8 June 1940, the day after Norwegian forces were ordered to cease hostilities, one He 115 (F.50, deemed technically unfit to be flown to UK), was flown to Finland. The seaplane was interned but the pilot, and crew were free to leave Finland. From the summer of 1941 it was used by the LLv.14 of the Finnish Air Force code HE-115 to ferry Sissi troops behind Soviet lines. It served in this role until it was lost on 4 July 1943. Two Luftwaffe He 115Cs were borrowed for similar operations in 1943–44 and operated with German markings by Finnish crews. One was returned in 1944 but the other was surrendered to the Soviets after the armistice.