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Sanitarium Building Cooranbong

The Sanitarium Building

Sanitarium Building Cooranbong

Located on the banks of Dora Creek Cooranbong, the Industrial Art Deco style Sanitarium building is an interesting addition to a visit to the area. The nearby Swinging Bridge was built to enable workers to cross Dora Creek to get to work. This was the main reason we visited, but took time to look at the old factory and nearby Avondale University.

Visiting on a weekend, the carparks were mostly empty, so parking wasn’t an issue. There is a Visitors Carpark, so we parked there before walking around the buildings. If you walked from the Swinging Bridge, you will walk along a palm lined walk and cycleway that used to be the entrance workers to the factory. On a wet morning, it was very atmospheric walking along the path.

Although no longer in use, the factory represents the history of the Sanitarium company and its contribution to healthy foods. Sanitarium was founded by and it wholly owned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church which runs the adjacent University.

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Avondale University Cooranbong NSW Australia

Administration Building

Avondale University Cooranbong NSW Australia

Located in Cooranbong NSW, the Avondale University has several old heritage buildings that are worth looking at if you are in the area. We had been visiting the nearby Swinging Bridge and Sanitarium Building, so went for a walk around the campus.

Visiting on a weekend, the carparks were mostly empty, so parking wasn’t an issue. From the carpark we walked down a palm lined walk and cycleway that used to be the entrance the workers took to the nearby Sanitarium Factory. On a wet morning, it was very atmospheric walking along the path.

Affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church, the original architecture seems to reflect this heritage as the buildings are built in the New England Style and date from the late 1890s. The two-story wooden buildings are beautiful, and are well maintained and very photogenic.

As we walked through the grounds, we came across an amphitheater. All of these were within a few minutes walk from the carpark. After finishing here, we went for a look at the Sanitarium building.

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Watagan Cycle Track Warners Bay

Walking and cycling track extending over Lake Macquarie Watagan Cycle Track Warners Bay

Watagan Cycle Track Warners Bay New South Wales, Australia

Running along the edge of Lake Macquarie, between Speers Point and Warners Bay, the Watagan Cycle Track is a shared walking and cycling pathway. One of Lake Macquarie’s most popular recreation spots, it offers incredible water views and an interesting bridge crossing. The track is relatively flat and family-friendly and is suitable for all levels of fitness.

We drove and parked in the Eleebana Carpark, although there are many other places to leave your car. The track is easily accessible by public transport, as it is only a short walk from Warners Bay or Speers Point bus stops.

As a part of the Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery’s Sculpture Park, it features a range of artworks by local and national artists. The track also passes by several parks and reserves, such as Speers Point Park, which has a large playground and picnic facilities.

The highlight of the track was the footbridge that extends over the shore of Lake Macquarie. From here there are beautiful views over the lake as well as the opportunity to see some water birds.

Finishing our walk at the Warner’s Bay shops, we bought coffees and sat on the foreshore to relax before retracing our steps back to the carpark.

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