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Burning Mountain

Heat Affected Ground Burning Mountain Nature Reserve Wingen NSW Australia

Burning Mountain

The Burning Mountain track is just to the north of Scone near Wingen on the New England Highway The car park for the walk is also a rest stop for traffic so is quite large and has toilet facilities .  The track is easy to follow as the walk is well sign posted . It is well laid out with steps well constructed and maintained by Parks and Wildlife NSW.

Walking Track

The track steadily climbs to the top of the hill, through bush-land and some cleared areas.  The climb is not difficult and there are many places to stop and take in the views over the surrounding countryside.

Walking Track Burning Mountain Nature Reserve Wingen NSW Australia
Walking Track Burning Mountain
Formed Track Burning Mountain Nature Reserve Wingen NSW Australia
Formed Track Burning Mountain

There are sign boards along the track detailing the local wildlife and plants. If you read all of this information the walk will take much longed but you will have a better understanding of the local fauna and flora.  The boards also detail Aboriginal and European settlement of the area.

Burning Mountain

The end of the track is the Burning Mountain itself. An underground coal seam that has been burning for thousands of years gives its name to the area. The air has a distinct sulfur smell and the ground has been turned red by the high temperatures. There are warning signs to keep off the heat affected areas as they can be unstable and very hot. You can see all you need to from the viewing platform and staying behind the fencing.

Heat Affected Ground Burning Mountain Nature Reserve Wingen NSW Australia
Heat Affected Ground Burning Mountain

The walk back to the car park is quite easy being mostly downhill, just be careful of slippery area.

Gnarly Tree Roots Burning Mountain Nature Reserve Wingen NSW Australia
Gnarly Tree Roots Burning Mountain
Walking Track Burning Mountain Nature Reserve Wingen NSW Australia
Flat Section of Track at Burning Mountain

Overall an enjoyable day out. The best part is the walk there and back along the track, as the heat affected area, although of interesting colors and smell is not that fascinating to look at.

To see what else there is to do in the Hunter Valley, please see some of our other stories.

Barrenjoey Lighthouse Palm Beach

View From Barrenjoey Lighthouse Palm Beach NSW Australia

Barrenjoey Lighthouse

The Barrenjoey Lighthouse is located near Palm Beach near Ku-ring-Gai Chase National Park.  Access and parking on busy weekends can be an issue as we found that the car park was almost full on the Sunday we visited. Parking is not free and you must pay at the meter and display the ticket in your car or face a fine.

Barrenjoey Lighthouse Palm Beach NSW Australia
Barrenjoey Lighthouse

One of Australia’s longest running TV shows, Home and Away uses this area as a setting. The Barrenjoey Lighthouse often features in the background scenery of the show and Palm Beach is where a lot of the action takes place. Many of the visitors are there to see where the show is produced.

To get to the lighthouse, leave the car park and walk down the beach. Not too far down, you will see a sign to the track. There are two options, a short but steep track, or a longer but not so steep track. We took the second option, which is a constant uphill grade, but well paved all the way.  There are plenty of opportunities to stop and take in the views on the way up, so don’t rush.

Track to Barrenjoey Lighthouse Palm Beach NSW Australia
Track to Barrenjoey Lighthouse

View From Barrenjoey Lighthouse Palm Beach NSW Australia
View From Barrenjoey Lighthouse

Palm Beach From Barrenjoey Lighthouse Palm Beach NSW Australia
Palm Beach From Barrenjoey Lighthouse

As well as the lighthouse and its buildings, you will find some fantastic views of Palm Beach and Broken Bay. Enjoy your time at the top before making your way back to the beach via either the steep steps of the flatter path.

Gosford Glyphs Petroglyphs or Hieroglyphics

The Gosford Glyphs

Gosford Glyphs

The Gosford Glyphs (also called petroglyphs) are located near Kariong not far from Gosford on the New South Wales Central Coast. They can be found using Google Maps, which will take you to a small car park on the side of the road. From here it is an easy walk to the glyphs.  Hidden behind a large boulder, they can be hard to find.  Look for a warning sign on the boulder warning of falling rocks.  The glyphs are here.

The Glyphs have several myths about their origin.  Many people’s favourite, is a visit by lost Egyptians, or even UFOs.  It is more,likely however that these rock carvings were created by railway workers in the 1930s.  Alternatively they could have been carved by a hoaxer in the 1970/80s.

Whatever their origins it’s a fun visit and an easy walk for some photos you can show friends to puzzle over.

For another link to Egypt see our post on the Ku-ring-Gai Sphinx.

For other ideas about what to see in New South Wales, please read some of our other stories.

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