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Hands On Beekeeping Workshop Newcastle

Worker Bee Hands On Beekeeping Workshop Newcastle

Hands On Beekeeping Workshop Newcastle

How often have you seen shows on television where people get dressed up in white protective clothes and open up a beehive? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have bees crawling over and flying around you while you looked at their hive? If you do, Hands On Beekeeping Workshop Newcastle is a great educational experience that we really enjoyed.

The Hands on Beekeeping Workshop is run in Toronto (Newcastle New South Wales; not the Toronto in Canada). The workshop is scheduled to run two and a half hours, but often goes longer, to ensure everyone gets to participate and all questions are answered. Ours went for three hours and we enjoyed every minute, because it was so interesting.

Bee Keeping Theory

Starting with the different types of hives and their maintenance, we then moved on to learn about keeping the bees healthy and the hives clean of pests. We were shown how the bees build their honeycombs and raise new worker, drone and queen bees. This theory section was fascinating and provided all of the information we would need to start our own hives.

The Hands On Bit

The practical section started with smoking the bees to make them docile, followed by removing the lid. A brood frame was removed and any bees on it removed by shaking them back into the hive. This ensures they are safe during the cleaning process. In order to check each frame with ease you need to put the brood frame on the ground beside the hive. Using a hive tool the frames were cleaned of extra bits of burr comb . Each frame is then taken out Individually to inspect before being replaced. The last step is to put everything back together, being careful not to hurt any bees. Everyone was able to do this and is was incredibly interesting, it was deceiving how heavy some of the frames were when filled with honey. We enjoyed doing this!

With the practical side finished, we tasted some of the honey we had harvested. It really tastes great straight from the honeycomb, because it is so fresh.

What Did We Think?

We had a great time doing something different and came away with the knowledge to start up a hive if we want to. The hands on experience was great, because you were able to do everything yourself.

Bee Hives Hands On Beekeeping Workshop Newcastle
Bee Hives
Bees Entering the Hive Hands On Beekeeping Workshop Newcastle
Bees Entering the Hive
Open Hive Hands On Beekeeping Workshop Newcastle
Open Hive
Worker Bee Hands On Beekeeping Workshop Newcastle
Worker Bee

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Siding Spring Observatory Coonabarabran

Siding Spring Observatory Coonabarabran NSW

The Siding Spring Observatory is probably one of the big draw cards to Cooonabarabran and the surrounding area. To encourage the astronomical theme, the planets of the solar system are located throughout the district, with the observatory placed as the sun. Keep an eye out for them as you drive by. He inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are all on the access road up to Siding Springs.

Jupiter Siding Spring Observatory Coonabarabran NSW

Access To Siding Spring Observatory

Due to the steep road up to the observatory, which is also narrow and windy,  caravans are not permitted. At the turn off, a park is available where caravans and trailers can be left, so that you can drive up safely. At the top, is a large car park, education centre and café.

What You Get To See

Entrance into the observatory is free and is via a lift in the entrance to the main building. Inside you can view the Anglo-Australian Telescope from behind perspex. From here you can see just how huge this piece of scientific equipment is. Also on this level is an excellent series of displays which illustrate the building of the telescope and its mirror followed by its history of operations.  Contributions that it has made to astronomy cover the walls illustrating how useful it has been.

It was foggy and had snowed the previous night, so the area was a great atmosphere at the top of the hill.

Siding Spring Observatory Coonabarabran NSW
Siding Spring Observatory
Siding Spring Observatory Coonabarabran NSW
Anglo-Australian Telescope

A great place to visit if you are interested in astronomy and want to see a famous telescope. You also get to learn about its operation and scientific discoveries.

Sculptures Around the Observatory

Around the Siding Spring Observatory, you will find some great little sculptures that are worth looking out for. 

Siding Spring Observatory Coonabarabran NSW
Sculpture at Siding Spring Observatory
Siding Spring Observatory Coonabarabran NSW
Sculpture at Siding Spring Observatory

For other places to visit in New South Wales, please read some of our other stories.

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