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Bondi Sculpture By the Sea 2023

A Sculpture

Bondi Sculpture By the Sea 2023

Running from 20 October until 6 November 2023, Bondi Sculpture by the Sea 2023 boasts 110 sculptures. Placed along the 2 km Bondi to Tamarama walk, they have the beautiful coastline as a backdrop.

Getting There

Because parking is limited at Bondi Beach, we took public transport. Catching the train from Central Station to Bondi Junction we then got the 330 bus to Bondi Beach. This is a very popular event and the bus was very crowded, but they were running regularly, so we didn’t have to wait long.

The Sculptures

With so many sculptures on display there should be something to interest everyone. This year, more use was made of Tamarama Beach, with exhibits on the sand.

Some of our favorite sculptures are in the photos below.

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.