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The Calyx Royal Botanic Garden Sydney

The Calyx

The Calyx Royal Botanic Garden Sydney

Located in the Royal Botanic Garden the Calyx is a place of living art, with constantly changing displays. In botany, a calyx is the collective name for sepals of a flower, the usually green part that supports the petals. The Calyx in the Garden is a place where new displays are presented several times a year, making return trips worthwhile and interesting.

The last time we visited the display consisted of carnivorous plants, which was fascinating. We didn’t realise that there was so many varieties. Planted to produce a colourful display from leaves and flowers the green-wall had only recently been finished. Many plants were yet to reach their potential, but we intended to visit at a later date to see the final product. Unfortunately, Covid-19 has intervened and a lockdown means we are unable to travel to Sydney.

A small café located here is a great place to relax after looking at the displays.

Some Carnivorous Plants From Our Last Visit

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