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Wyong Milk Factory and Tavern

Rusty Cow Statue

Wyong Milk Factory

Located at Wyong on the New South Wales Central Coast, the Wyong Milk Factory is an unusual but fun setting for a tavern and café complex. Not only does this old industrial zone have a tavern, but also contains a chocolate factory, cupcake shop, café, gym and playground.


Parking is available in several areas, immediately outside the entrance; inside the complex and in a car park just past the main entrance. We parked in the last option, because the others were full. It is still close to the tavern, so parking here is convenient.

The Tavern

Our visit was to enjoy a meal at the tavern, but we also had a walk around the whole area. Near the entrance is a playground, so the kids will be entertained. A colourful walkway leads into the area, showing you the way to go. At the front you will find a candle shop where you can buy something to take home.

The main tavern has two levels, and we were seated on the upper one, which we appreciated because there was less traffic from people moving around. The only disadvantage was the bar being on the lower level, but this was a minor issue. Once we had ordered, the food was ready very quickly. You are given a buzzer and when ready you go and collect it. The menu had a nice variety of food and desserts.

Other Activities at the Milk Factory

After lunch, we walked down to the Wyong River, where There is a barbecue and a picnic area, which is well set out and looked very nice. You can also hire boats or a canoe to take a paddle down the river. An information board provides details on the wildlife found in the area.

Walking around we came across some interesting cow sculptures and artwork, so keep a lookout as you walk around

A really fun afternoon and a worthwhile place to visit for couples and families.

Tocal Field Days in the Hunter Valley

Cows Were Everywhere

Tocal Field Days

The Tocal Field Days is an annual event held at Tocal Agricultural College in the Hunter Valley. It is an opportunity for suppliers to display their latest products and services to the farming industry. It is also an opportunity for people to display their skills and produce to the general public.

Parking is well set up with officials directing vehicles where to go. Each row of cars is numbered so it is easy to find your way back, unlike some events where you can get lost in a vast field of cars.

Tocal Agricultural College
Tocal Field Days
Tocal Agricultural College

As expected, manufacturers of farming equipment had displays of their latest products. There were many rows of tractors and other farm gear.

We were in time to see a cow milking demonstration and my wife was able to fulfil a lifelong dream of milking a cow.

We watched a piglet race where 6 pigs race around a track, there was a bowl of food as the end, which they aim for. They ignore barriers and tend to jump fences to get to the end first. It was all good fun and they seemed to enjoy the run. We loved watching them!

Piglet Races
Piglet Races


There was a large llama display by the Llama Collective with a number of the animals present. Despite a reputation for spitting, they were all very well behaved and great to pat. There was even a llama kissing booth! A small alpaca was present, and you were able to see the difference between the two. If you are interested, the difference is the shape of the back and ears, with llamas having curved versus an alpaca’s straight ears.

Other Animals

Apart from the usual animals, there were colourful chickens and several bison, which made a nice change to the usual displays.

What Did We Think of the Tocal Field Days?

We had a great time looking around the displays, watching the pig races, patting the llamas and milking a cow. It was a nice way to spend a day, slowly wandering around and looking at the displays.

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

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Sydney Royal Easter Show

Sydney Royal Easter Show

Getting There

The Sydney Royal Easter Show is held over a two week period at Olympic Park. If you purchase entry tickets online the cost of public transport to the show is included for free. We took the train changing at Strathfield and again at Lidcombe although there were direct Strathfield to Olympic Park depending on timing.

At the gate there was a quick security bag check and we were inside. Not being interested in the rides or slideshows we gave that section a miss although it was popular withe the kids in attendance.

Animal Pavilions

We went to the animal pavilions and checked out the sheep and cows. We had no idea that there were so many different breeds of cows. Another surprize was seeing the prized cows having a shampoo and blow dry before being judged.

Food Hall

Passing through the food hall we had a look at the displays put together from the different areas displaying their produce. The artistic effort to arrange the fruit and vegetables was amazing. You also get to vote on which one you feel is best!

Wood Chopping

Next to this hall was the wood chopping competition. We spent an hour here watching the male and female competitors cutting sawing and chopping through timber. These are some very strong athletes who don’t seem to get the recognition they deserve. We honestly loved sitting and watching!

Woodchopping Competition
Woodchopping Competition


Last stop was the showbag hall to get some presents for the kids who had given us a list of requirements and a bertie beetle one for the wife. We had never seen such a huge variety of show bags available. This is a place where the unwary parent could spend a fortune.

Bertie Beetle Showbag
Bertie Beetle Showbag

What did We Think?

We had  great day out seeing the livestock on display and the wood chopping. The free transport getting there was a great bonus too.

We had a great day out watching wood chopping and seeing the best of NSW agriculture. Even for adults there is a lot to see and do as the show isn’t all about rides and sideshow alley.

Horse and Buggy Competition
Horse and Buggy Competition

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

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