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Parliament House New South Wales

Parliament of New South Wales

Parliament House New South Wales

Completed in 1816 Parliament House in Sydney houses the Government of the state of New South Wales Australia. Originally a hospital, the central section of the façade is a two story Georgian building. When built, no funds were available to Governor Macquarie so he arranged funding via the importation of 60,000 gallons of rum licensed to a group of merchants. In return for the license, they built the hospital.

From 1829, the Legislature occupied the building, which had primarily been used as the residence of the chief surgeon. As the size of the colony of New South Wales expanded, so did the number of parliamentary representatives. As a result, north and south extensions were made for the old Legislative Council (now Legislative Assembly) Chamber in 1843 and the current Legislative Council Chamber in 1856.

Since then numerous additions and modifications have been made to the building. Despite many plans over the years, it remains one of the least grand parliament buildings in Australia, primarily due to its original design as a hospital.

Getting There

Situated in the centre of the Sydney CBD means that getting to Parliament House is quite easy. Several buses stop nearby in Macquarie Street, while the closest station is Martin Place.

We visited during Sydney is Open so access to otherwise closed areas was available. In addition, volunteers were stationed throughout the building answering questions and providing invites into the workings of State Government.

Legislative Assembly

Being modelled on the British Westminster System, the Legislative Assembly is the lower house of government and corresponds to the House of Commons, (or the Australian Federal Government House of Representatives). As such, the colour of the carpet and seats is green.

This chamber of parliament debates legislation before it is sent to the Legislative Council and then the Governor for approval. The Governor is the British Monarch’s representative and is appointed by the NSW Parliament.

Legislative Council

The upper house of the NSW Parliament is the Legislative Council, whose primary colour is red, following the tradition of the British House of Lords.

Legislation passed by the lower house is debated here and either retired to the Legislative Assembly or forwarded to the NSW Governor if approved.

The Library – Now the Jubilee Room

Although now used for meetings and functions, the Jubilee Room holds a significant collection of historical records, along with the only state government archive.

In addition to the amazing collection of books on the shelves, the stained glass ceiling is amazing.

Fountain Courtyard

The Fountain Courtyard is one of the most recent additions to Parliament House, having been added in 1983. Located around the fountain on the surrounding walls is part of the parliamentary art collection as well as temporary displays. A significant portion of the display is by indigenous artists, forming the Reconciliation Wall.

What Did We Think?

This was a great visit because it was a good way to learn about the history of government in NSW as well as seeing both Chambers of Parliament. If you want to see how our government works, there is no better place to visit.

Our photos are available for purchase on

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

Maitland Regional Art Gallery May 2023

Maitland Regional Art Gallery May 2023

Maitland Regional Art Gallery May 2023

We revisited the Maitland Regional Art Gallery in late May 2023 and were lucky to catch two great exhibitions in their last days. It’s not often that we get to see Torres Strait art displayed in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, Australia, this was a great opportunity.

Mir Giz Kemerkemer Opged Lam Zenadh Kes (Stories From the Eastern Islands – Torres Strait) by Toby Cedar

18 March – 28 May 2023

As a Torres Strait Islander and now Maitland local, artist Toby Cedar finds deep connection between art, community and culture. This exhibition presented works celebrating Eastern island culture with both traditional and contemporary art forms. The works covered traditional histories of masks, headdresses, myths and legends.

Tjukurpa by Rita Watson and Selinda Davidson

4 March – 28 May 2023

This exhibition is the result of a collaborative glass project between Ninuku Arts (community of First Nations Artists) and JamFactory (South Australia). A unique form of storytelling, these works not only share the stories of each artist but have also become a valued part of intergenerational learning at Ninuku.

This exhibition brings together the artworks of Rita Watson and Selinda Davidson with glass vessels as contemporary translations of their ancestral stories.

Art Gallery of NSW North Building

Japan Supernatural: Vertiginous After Staring at the Empty World Too Intensely, I Found Myself Trapped in the Realm of Lurking Ghosts and Monsters by Takashi Murakami

Art Gallery of NSW North Building

The Art Gallery of NSW new North Building displays contemporary art, with an emphasis on Indigenous Australian art. The building reflects this with bright well lit rooms and colourful displays. A highlight is the use of its basement, an old storage tank as a display space.

Getting There

Located, to the north of the original Art Gallery (now the South Building), it’s walkable from the Sydney CBD. We used the train from Central Station, getting off at St. James and walking, although buses can also be used. If you drive, the Domain carpark would be the closest option.

Arriving before opening time, we took some photos of the giant sculptures outside and then had a coffee at the café opposite the entrance.


With four levels, there is plenty of space to display artworks. The ground floor has an amazing display of Indigenous art and its great that this is the first gallery you see on entering. Previously displayed at the South Building the collection now has pride of place at the entrance.

The next two levels down display a series of contemporary art in addition to having access to outside galleries. Here we found an amazing flower sculpture, as well as a Buddhist Temple.

Lower Level 4 – The Tank

The highlight though was The Tank. Level 4 used to be an underground oil storage tank, but has been repurposed as an art space. Access is via a spiral staircase, which you descend into increasing darkness. Left deliberately dark, with the original columns still in place, it’s eerie, with lights moving on the ceiling, slowly brightening and dimming to highlight the sculptures there.

Before entering, you are warned that the area is dark and claustrophobic, so that you know what to expect. Numerous staff patrol the space, ensuring everyone obeys the rules (no flash photos) and remains safe.

We loved it, the sculptures were unworldly and the empty spaces and columns eerie.

To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.