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Rabbitwoman and Dogman George Street

Rabbitwoman and Dogman. Together They Were a Golden Couple. 262 George St Sydney by Gillie and Marc

Rabbitwoman and Dogman on a Vespa George Street

Currently located at 264 George Street Sydney (September 2023), this Gillie and Marc bronze sculpture of Rabbitwoman and Dogman is titled “Together they were a golden couple”. The artists description on the statue is “Rabbitwoman takes the lead on the bike while Dogman gets cosy in the sidecar next to her, trusting her to take him somewhere incredible”.

Gillie and Marc are known for their inclusion of Rabbitwoman, Dogman, coffee cups and the Vespa. This bronze has all of them in one place.

We found the statue on a quiet Sunday morning while walking down George St in Sydney. As with many things, it’s often the unexpected that makes your day. So, if you’re walking through Sydney, drop in to say hi to Rabbitwoman and Dogman on George St. And if you are interested in where they got their coffee, there is a small café behind them.

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