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Vickers Wellington Bombers Captured by Germany

Vickers Wellington Bombers Captured by Germany

Crashed Vickers Wellington bombers that could be repaired were operated 2./Versuchsverband OKL. The Luftwaffe used them to teach fighter pilots the strengths and weaknesses of the aircraft. The geodesic framework of the bomber was also subjected to tests to determine its strength and properties.

Vickers Wellington L7788 KX-E of No 311 (Czechoslovak) Squadron RAF September 1940

Vickers Wellington Mk. IC L7842 KX-T of No 311 (Czechoslovak) Squadron RAF

Vickers Wellington T2501 LN-F of No. 99 Squadron RAF December 1940

Vickers Wellington Mk.IV Z1277 GR-Z of No. 301 (Polish) Squadron November 1941