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HMAS Australia (I)

HMAS Australia (I)

HMAS Australia (I) was one of three Indefatigable-class battlecruisers. Ordered by the Australian government in 1909, she was launched in 1911, and commissioned as flagship of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) in 1913. Australia (I) was the only capital ship ever to serve in the RAN.

Historical photos of HMAS Australia (I) can be found here.

Rocky Hill War Memorial and Museum Goulburn NSW

12″ Shells from HMAS Australia and HMS New Zealand

12" Shells from HMAS Australia and HMS New Zealand
12″ Shells from HMAS Australia and HMS New Zealand

Australian War Memorial Canberra

12″ Breach from HMAS Australia

Royal Australian Navy Heritage Centre

Twelve Inch Shell From the Battlecruiser HMAS Australia (I)Royal Australian Navy Heritage Centre
Twelve Inch Shell From the Battlecruiser HMAS Australia (I)