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Dangar Island and Brooklyn Ferry

driftwood on a beach Brooklyn Ferry to Dangar Island

Dangar Island

The first European to visit the area was Governor Arthur Phillip, who explored the lower river by small boat in March 1788 within weeks of the First Fleet’s arrival. He named it Mullet Island, for the abundance of fish in the local Hawkesbury River. The island was purchased in 1864 and renamed by Henry Cary Dangar, the son of Henry Dangar, a surveyor, pastoralist and parliamentarian.

Subdivided into residential plots in the 1920s while it still retains some areas for recreational use. Around 330 permanent residents call the island home.

Getting There

Dangar Island can only be accessed by water, either by ferry, private boat or water taxi. We used the ferry, which operates seven days per week. The ferry “Sun” is itself a historic boat, making the trip that little bit more interesting.

The ferry leaves from Brooklyn north of Sydney, where parking is available near the wharf. The Brooklyn train station is only a short walk from the wharf, making this a great option if you don’t want to drive. The ferry arrival and departure times coincide with the train’s timetable.

On the Island

The only vehicles on the island are the fire truck and council ute, with all other vehicles banned. Residents use wheel barrows to haul items from the wharf to their homes. As you leave the ferry, you will see a line up of wheel barrows on the side of the path. On the opposite side is a metal sculpture of a Stegosaurus.

Our first stop was the coffee shop next to the wharf. This also serves as the island’s only shop, because of the small population. Sitting outside was very relaxing, and a great way to start our visit before setting off to explore.

Walking Around

With only around 3km of roads, walking around the island does not take too long. You can download a map, to show various things to see on the island. However, we spent a lot of time at the beach, which had driftwood from recent storms washed up. Also near the beach the rocks are covered in oysters, although most have been removed by fishermen.

One small relic here dates from the Second World War when the Australian Army garrisoned the island and manned a cable boom across the river to protect the railway bridge. A small section of rusted steel embedded in the rocks is all that remains.

We visited at low tide and much of the beach was exposed. The exposed sand was covered in small mounds of sand from crabs that had burrowed down until the tide returned. From the amount of burrows, there must be a huge crab population here.

From the upper road, you get great views of the Hawkesbury and the railway bridge. A rock shelter previously used the local Guringai people before European settlement sits just off the upper road.

Returning to Brooklyn

After around three hours, we returned to the wharf where we had a cold drink while we waited for the ferry. Make sure you don’t miss the last ferry, or you will need to call the water taxi, which is much more expensive.

This was a fun relaxing morning out to somewhere that’s a little different. The locals and the atmosphere of the island is great and we had a great time, well worth a visit.

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Flat Rock Gully Walking Track

Stepping stones over Flat Rock Creek

Flat Rock Gully Walking Track

Located in the Sydney council of Willoughby, Flat Rock Gully Walking Track is a 4km return trip through bushland bordering a small creek. Utilised for the disposal of domestic and industrial waste until 1985, the area became overgrown with weeds. Following the closing of the tip and associated incinerator, the area has been landscaped and bush land regenerated. The result is a beautiful walk, through trees and ferns in the centre of Sydney.


Parking is available near the start of the track at Small Street where a gated entrance leads to parking spots. Additional parking at the netball courts, near the old incinerator is a five-minute walk away.

Flat Rock Gully Walking Track

Starting off with bitumen and a section of boardwalk, the track appears an easy hike. However, this soon gives way to rougher sections of rock and dirt track. Sections have steppingstones added to aid walking in wet conditions and in going up and down the slopes. In wet and rainy weather, these areas become very slippery, so good hiking boots are needed, as well as being careful.

Council Bush Regenerators, contractors and volunteers have done an amazing job reducing the weeds present along the track. As a result, you can now walk through remnant Australian bush while in the centre of Sydney.

Flat Rock Creek

The creek crossing is a series of steppingstones, which will be slippery when wet and during high rainfall may be submerged. At the crossing, a stone embankment prevents erosion of the creek banks and has become overgrown in moss. This makes the area look old and overgrown, but also extremely slippery.

Long Gully Bridge

Crossing the gully at the end of the walk is Long Gully Bridge. Built to access a housing development at Northbridge in the 1890s, the false crenellated turreted towers make it look very medieval. Under the bridge, a large, landscaped area was once the council tip. The 30 metres of fill has been rehabilitated into playing fields, where we saw a game of cricket being played.

Flat Rock Drive Pedestrian Underpass Indigenous Art Work

Pedestrian access from the track to the baseball diamond and netball courts is via an underpass under Flat Rock Drive. If you park at the netball courts, this is the best way to get to the track.

Decorated with large indigenous murals unlike many underpasses left in dull concrete. Not far from here is the Henry Lawson Cave, where the poet would sleep off a drinking session at the local tavern.

What Did We Think?

This was a really fun track to walk. Moderately difficult and a little slippery in the wet, the walk through remnant forest and along a creek was fun. Looking at the underside of the bridge and the decorated underpass were added bonuses.

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To see what else there is to do in New South Wales, please see some of our other stories.

Cooper Park Bushwalking in the City

Stone arch bridge

Cooper Park

Located in Bellevue Hill, Cooper Park covers 15 Ha of bushland in the centre of Sydney’s eastern suburbs. Donated to the Woollahra Council as a park in 1913 by Sir William Cooper the park covers a gully from Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill to Manning Road, Double Bay. With tennis courts and cricket nets at one end and native parkland at the other it’s a wonderful place to visit.

How to Get There

We took the train to Bondi Junction and walked the 15 minutes to the park’s entrance. However, if you want to drive, carparking is available in Bunna Place. Because of the park’s location, there are many entrances off surrounding streets. These have steps leading down to the valley floor where they join the walking track.

The Park

Starting behind the tennis courts, a track winds through the valley floor following a small creek. An information board details the wildlife living in the park as well as the plant species. Scattered along the path are weather shelters, so if it rains there is somewhere to stop for a while.

We followed the well maintained track which wound through eucalypt trees with a fern understory. The creek has many small waterfalls and cascades which are easily accessible from the track.

The damp shady environment has led to most structures being covered in moss. We really liked the arch bridge and a bench seat because they were covered in it.

At the far end of the park, a large set of steps lead up and out to Victoria Road. Of course, you can also enter this way.

What Did We Think?

This is an amazing park, hidden away in Sydney’s suburbia. The walk through native bush, while following the creek was very relaxing and enjoyable.